I was excited to see a new book about preparing for college for homeschoolers! Full disclosure: one of the authors (Dr. Michele Evard) is a veteran homeschooler that I have looked up to for years. She held various key volunteer positions (including president) at a large and SUPER COOL homeschool co-op in the neighboring state of Massachusetts. These days Michele uses her extensive knowledge and homeschooling experience as a homeschool consultant. Her experience is evident in College Unmazed: Your Guide to Design & Document Your Homeschool!
The first things that jumped out at me as I flipped through the book were the colors, charts, tables and quick-to-read sections. The book is visually engaging, has clear organization and is easy to pick up and put down when you only have time to read in short bursts.
If you are a homeschooling-high-school newbie you will find this book will be your go-to as you plan and then document your child’s high school years. Not new to the high school years? If you have already graduated a homeschooler and have more kiddos on that path this will be a source of inspiration with nuggets of new ideas that you hadn’t considered.
Throughout the chapters the authors explain to the reader how to think through a specific aspect of designing or documenting the high school years. After they provide information and ideas to consider they provide an activity area for you to think through YOUR plans. This workshop style makes the process feel doable in little chunks at a time, not overwhelming. From intangibles (what is my why) to tangible (how to write a course description) the authors walk you through step-by-step.
A bonus is the mention of specific resources that may be used by students and parents. Vsauce, Tennessee Board of Education, edX, Rubistar and Ambleside Online are among the resources peppered from beginning to end.
As a homeschool advocate who frequently advises families about the high school years I read through the sections nodding my head very often. Yes, that’s exactly what I tell families! Yes, I agree wholeheartedly! There were even some AH HA! moments for me when I found myself thinking: Yes, that’s a wonderful suggestion I hadn’t thought to share!
The book hits all the marks!
From reminding parents that documents must “accurately reflect your student’s educational journey” (pg 68) to appreciation that homeschooling is not only about academics but also about social, spiritual and emotional goals this book is a perfect mix of support for experienced homeschoolers and parents who are new to this educational choice. Everyone can find something useful in the homeschool edition of
College UnMazed.
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