There are many factors that go into a family’s decision to homeschool their child(ren) – personalities, abilities, educational & testing philosophies, social situations, etc. These are all factors that should be considered and evaluated but the reason most choose homeschooling is what lies underneath each of these factors. The one thing that homeschoolers have that traditional schoolers do not.
That thing? Control.
In traditional learning situations, the family is adhering to a curriculum and schedule that is set-out by the teachers and/or school department. The homeschooling family is deciding on curriculum and schedule for themselves. You are the authority and you are the one in charge. You decide what works, what doesn’t, and how to make your family life your best life.
Isn’t that a lot of responsibility?
Yes. But the good news is there is lots of assistance out there and something for everyone. Every child learns differently and flourishes under different circumstances. You get to figure out how your child learns best and implement that. Have one who is a zombie before 11am but wide-awake at 11pm? They can do school work on their own schedule; there’s no rule that says school work has to happen between 8:00 and 3:00. Have one who needs to move constantly? They can practice math facts on the trampoline or read while walking around the house. One who needs a consistent routine to feel secure? You can make sure that happens. One who needs variety in their schedule or they are bored to tears? Also, completely doable.
The homeschooling laws in Rhode Island are minimal. There is a list of subjects you are required to teach and a number of days your children need to be “educated.” You get to decide what is a school day and what is not. For some families, every day is school day because they are “never not learning.” For others it’s the days when math gets done or when some other subset of subjects are accomplished. It’s your choice.
Can I Change My Mind?
Of course! Maybe you just need a change for this school year or even this season. Maybe you need to take the leap and know that you can always go back if you need to. There are many families, even in normal times, who jump in and out of homeschooling based on their current family situation and needs. Try it and see how it goes.
Ok I’m In. Now What?
There are considerations you should make as move forward into homeschooling:
More Assistance to Get You Started
There are many resources to help you get started on this new adventure. Locally, ENRICHri runs Homeschool 101 sessions monthly. You can find the current schedule of events here. We have also put together a list of homeschool resources which includes books, websites, podcasts, as well as a list of local and national homeschool groups which are a veritable wealth of support and information.